Excellent Care Co.

Excellent Care Co.

About the company

Excellent Care Company is one of the companies of Jana Medical Company, which was launched in the beginning of the year 2015, and specialized from the beginning in serving the medical sector, as these services were represented in providing and securing many of the requirements of this sector related to surgery, especially neurosurgery, spine and ear, nose and throat surgeries.

The company was able, thanks to God, and in a short period of time, to enjoy the exclusive property rights of many different and diverse international medical agencies, and this came only through a clear and specific vision from the beginning, aspiring to attract the latest in modern technologies in this field, in addition to the experience of our team, which It includes a group of experiences and competencies that contributed distinctly to achieving high levels of quality through continuous communication with manufacturers and also through its knowledge of the local need for these supplies through an easy and smooth flow of medical information and the exchange of experiences between our team and these authorities.

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